Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's in a finger?

In old days of gallantry and chivalry, men didn't get the pleasure of immediately hopping into bed after a few drinks and dashing away their urges in eleven minutes. They pined for women, they watched women from afar, and they had to use their imaginations to assess what it would be like to share a woman's bed. With all that pent up lust, they discovered adorable little methods of seducing a woman that can be very useful even for men today. These are subtle little ways of affirming desire and affection, ways that if known, could increase a woman's desire... things that ultimately can unlock a woman's mind into being more than a dead fish in bed.

Imagine to yourself that a woman's hand is a representation of the body you want to jump. The fingertips are her feet, the first joint is the ankle, then onto her knuckles which are her knees... and on up to that fleshy part (the webbing) between each finger which is symbolic of well *ahem* you know, your favorite place. While the back and palm of the hand can't quite be equated with a body part, they are indicators of how you desire to touch her body.

When you sloppily grasp a woman's hand, or discard it... you give her cues as to how you are going to treat her in bed. Conversely, if you take a woman's hand gently to you, play with the tips of her fingers, slowly roll your thumb over the "ankle" part, caressing the "knees" with your lips... and while looking into her eyes, you kiss that space between her fingers... I can affirm that a woman who is in touch with her sexuality will melt. Your lust translates into desire for her, and she feels wanted and appreciated. Yes! With just this simple gesture. How will you know? First she should smile, even giggle, and definitely blush. A stroking of the back of the hand, a light feathery touch can send chills down the spine and immediately ignite a flame within her. Tracing the lines of a woman's palm tell her that you would likely trace all the contours or curves of her body, which is something that ideally exhilarates women. (If you don't believe me, glance at a romance novel or two.)

Seduction is a powerful game, and not hard to master. It isn't reliant upon looks, or conversation as much as it is in the confidence of the delivery. Try it. You will be surprised.

*Note that if this gesture makes her uncomfortable, or she pulls away... this to can be a clear sign, that she isn't into you, or isn't secure with herself to accept such flattery. Also, I wouldn't do it on a FIRST DATE.


  1. Now, This is Amazing! If only Men would do these things now a days! Women are sensual beings. We love to feel adored, wanted, appreciated, and yes... When we do, you open up a whole different side of us... If Only Men would be more respectful& appreciative as they once were, they would not get so easily bored! :) Imagination is Key!

  2. See, that's why I learned how to read palms . . . very nice!

  3. Um...some of us do that stuff. Ahem.
    (Great post, Rox!)
